But out of limitations comes creativity.

Debbie Allen

The enemy of art is the absence of limitations.

Orson Welles


The art form I develop in this post involves colored curves in two dimensions. Such a curve can be represented by a function from a number range, here [0, 1], to a set of colored points, where a point has an x and y coordinate, and “rgb” (red-green-blue) values to represent its color.

For example, the following function diagonal represents a diagonal line

const diagonal = t => make_color_point(t, t, 0, 255, 0);

because it maps each value t to a point (t,t), which means that x and y coordinates increase from the lower left to the upper right. The line is green because the “red” value is 0, the “green” value is 255 (the maximum rgb value), and the “blue” value is 0. The programs in this post are available here; to see the images, uncomment the lines that start with //draw_connected_full_view....

You can visualize curves with the function draw_connected_full_view, which takes a number n as argument and returns a function that can be applied to a curve to visualize it. For that, the curve is applied to n + 1 values, 0, 1, …, n, and the resulting points displayed so that they all fit on the screen, and are connected with each other with straight lines.

The following application draws the diagonal curve by applying diagonal to the values 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1, and the resulting points are connected.


green diagonal

The Unit Circle

Similarly, you can draw a red circle using the trigonometric functions of sine and cosine:

const π = math_PI; 
const unit_circle = t => make_color_point(
    math_cos(2 * π * t),                                       // x
    math_sin(2 * π * t),                                       // y
    255, 0, 0);                                              // rgb

red circle

This circle is called the “unit circle” because it results from drawing a circle of radius 1 whose center has coordinate (0,0).

If you play with the rgb values, you can achieve a multi-colored unit circle:

const colored_unit_circle = t => make_color_point(
    math_cos(2 * π * t),                                       // x
    math_sin(2 * π * t),                                       // y
    math_pow(math_cos(2 * π * t), 2) * 255,                    // r
    math_pow(math_sin(2 * π * t), 2) * 255,                    // g
    math_pow(math_cos(    π * t), 2) * 255);                   // b

colored circle

In this post, I constrain myself to connecting points on this colored unit circle with straight lines, and turn this into an “art form”.

Connecting Points on the Unit Circle

The following abstraction connect_points comes in handy. It takes a number n and a function f as arguments and connects n points with each other. The points result from applying the colored unit circle to values f(0) / n, f(1) / n, …, f(n) / n

const connect_points =
    (n, f) =>
        (t => colored_unit_circle(f(math_round(t * n)) / n));

In the case where f is the identity function, you just connect n points on the unit circle with each other, and get a regular polygon with n vertices:

connect_points(5, k => k);

connecting the points 0 / n, 1 / n, 2 / n, …, n / n


The unit circle wraps around, if you apply it to values greater than 1, so you can obtain star shapes by connecting multiples of the given value.

connect_points(5, k => k * 2);

yields a pentagram


because you connect the points 0 / 5, 2 / 5, 4 / 5, 6 / 5, 8 / 5, and 10 / 5.

In the same way, you can create a star shape by connecting the corners of a 50-vertex polygon with each other such that each point is connected to the point 21 positions further, in counterclockwise direction:

connect_points(50, k => k * 21);  

50-vertex star

Choosing random values on the circle also leads to an intriguing pattern, when you choose n large enough:

connect_points(1000, k => 1000 * math_random());


Equation Signatures

Every equation seems to have a particular “signature” image in this art form. Here are some examples.

connect_points(6561, k => k * k );

connect points 6561

connect_points(1024, k => k * k * k + 3 * k * k + 3 * k + 1);

connect points 1024 1-3-3-1

connect_points(256, k => k * k * k * k);

connect points 256 k^4

connect_points(512, k => k * k * k * k);

connect points 512 k^4

connect_points(512, k => k * k * k * k * k); 

connect points 512 k^5

connect_points(84, k => k * k * k * k * k * k * k);

connect points 84 k^7

Connecting Lines

Another way of connecting points on the unit circle using a function f is to draw a line from i to f(i), for each i from 0 to n. That can be accomplished using the connect_points abstraction, by connecting (1) the point at i with (2) the point at f(i), then (3) going back to i, which explains the occurrences of the number 3 in the program.

const connect_lines =
    (n, g) =>
    connect_points(n * 3,
                   k => { const v = math_round((k - 1) / 3);
                          return k % 3 === 1 ? g(v) * 3 : v * 3; }

Connecting the every point with point 0 yields a picture like this.

connect_lines(150, k => 0);

connect lines 150

which you can turn in counterclockwise direction by using a non-zero destination point, here point 25.

connect_lines(150, k => 25);

connect lines 150 offset 25

Connecting the points with a point that results from applying the modulo operator % yields intriguing interference patterns.

connect_lines(150, k => k % 3); 

connect lines 150 modulo 3

connect_lines(150, k => k % 11);

connect lines 150 modulo 11

connect_lines(300, k => k % 11); 

connect lines 300 modulo 11

connect_lines(250, k => k % 11+160);

connect lines 250 modulo 11 offset 160

connect_lines(250, k => k % 10 + k / 10);

connect lines 250 modulo 10 plus k over 10

connect_lines(1000, k => k % 25 * 7); 

connect lines 1000 modulo 25 times 7

Drawing Times Tables

Connecting points with their multiples leads to a visualization of “times tables”. The Mathologer has a video on this genre of unit circle art. You can draw times tables with the abstraction draw_times_table:

const draw_times_table =
    (n, m) => connect_lines(n, k => k * m);

The times table for 2 is called the cardiod.

draw_times_table(200,  2);      // m = 2: cardioid: 1 lobe

times table modulo 200 times 2

The times table for 3 is called the nephroid.

draw_times_table(200, 3);      // m = 3: nephroid: 2 lobes

times table modulo 200 times 3

The number of “lobes” of the picture increases with m: For m = 4 you get 3 lobes, etc.

draw_times_table(200, 4);      // m = 4: 3 lobes...

times table modulo 200 times 4

Specific relationships between n and m create interesting visual patterns. For n = 397 and m = 200, you get a variant of the cardiod…

draw_times_table(397, 200);    // m = (n + 3) / 2: cardioid

times table modulo 397 times 200

…and for n = 500 and m = 252, you get a variant of the nephroid.

draw_times_table(500, 252);    // m = (n + 4) / 2: nephroid

times table modulo 500 times 252

If you play with the numbers, you observe what relationship between n and m gives rise to what kind of picture. Enjoy!

draw_times_table(501, 253);    // m = (n + 5) / 2: 3 lobes...

times table modulo 501 times 253

draw_times_table(500, 168);    // m = (n + 4) / 3: cardioid

times table modulo 500 times 168

draw_times_table(295, 100);    // m = (n + 5) / 3: nephroid

times table modulo 295 times 100

draw_times_table(594, 200);    // m = (n + 6) / 3: 3 lobes...

times table modulo 594 times 200

draw_times_table(395, 100);    // m = (n + 5) / 4: cardioid

times table modulo 395 times 100

draw_times_table(494, 100);    // m = (n + 6) / 5: cardioid

times table modulo 494 times 100

draw_times_table(593, 100);    // m = (n + 7) / 6: cardioid


draw_times_table(400, 201);    // m = n / 2 + 1 (/4,/8,/16)


draw_times_table(400, 199);    // m = (n / 2) - 1: square


Scmutils Notation for Partial Derivatives     Metalinguistic Abstraction in Stages