In a nutshell

This post describes two implementations of machine and compiler. To play with them, click the links:


In the post A Virtual-machine-based Implementation in Stages, I gave a virtual machine for a sublanguage of JavaScript. It separated compilation from execution using an array of virtual machine instructions. The virtual machine used as global registers a program counter (index in the instruction array), environment, a runtime stack, and an operand stack. The operand stack was a global data structure that all function bodies access to save intermediate values. In the implementation of virtual machines, a global operand stack can become a performance bottleneck. An alternative design, originally proposed in Landin’s SECD machine and adopted by the Java Virtual Machine, is to allocate a new operand stack for each function invocation. This design makes it easy for the implementers of high-performance virtual machines to use real machine registers and real machine instructions in place of an operand stack and stack-based instructions. In this blog post, I start with a survey of the baseline, the virtual machine with a global operand stack from the mentioned post. Then I show the (few) changes needed to migrate from a global operand stack to local operand stacks. Local operands stacks pose a memory allocation issue: The maximal size of an operand stack needs to be known at the time it is created. I conclude with a solution to this issue.

Baseline: A global operand stack

Recall that the run function keeps four registers: operands, pc, environment, and runtime_stack.

function run(instrs) {
    let operands = null;
    let pc = 0;
    let environment = the_global_environment;
    let runtime_stack = null;
    while (! is_done_instruction(instrs[pc])) {
        const instr = instrs[pc];
        if (is_load_constant_instruction(instr)) {
            pc = pc + 1;
            operands = pair(load_constant_value(instr), operands);
        } else if ...
     return head(operands);

Throughout the run, instructions either push values to or pop values from the global operand stack operands, which is implemented as a list of values. Call instructions (the most complex part of the machine) are implemented by the following machine clause.

        } else if (is_call_instruction(instr)) {
            const arity = call_instruction_arity(instr);
            const args = take(operands, arity);
            const callee_and_remaining_operands = drop(operands, arity);
            const callee = head(callee_and_remaining_operands);
            const remaining_operands = tail(callee_and_remaining_operands);
            if (is_primitive_function(callee)) {
                pc = pc + 1;
                operands = pair(apply_in_underlying_javascript(
            } else {
                runtime_stack = pair(make_runtime_stack_call_frame(
                                         pc + 1,
	   	        const new_environment = extend_environment(
                operands = remaining_operands;
                environment = new_environment;
                pc = function_address(callee);
        } else if ...

The purpose of the call instruction is to get the machine ready for executing the body of the callee function. Note that the callee function uses the current operand stack (after popping the arguments and the callee function itself). The global operand stack will grow and shrink as a result of the nesting depth of function arguments and their position. The caller saves the machine registers pc and environment on the runtime stack before getting these registers ready for the callee.

If a function call computes the return value of the function in which it appears, we have a tail call. In that case, there is no need for saving anything on the runtime stack because neither pc nor environment are needed any longer. The corresponding clause in the machine is as follows.

        } else if (is_tail_call_instruction(instr)) {
            const arity = call_instruction_arity(instr);
            const args = take(operands, arity);
            const callee_and_remaining_operands = drop(operands, arity);
            const callee = head(callee_and_remaining_operands);
            const remaining_operands = tail(callee_and_remaining_operands);
            if (is_primitive_function(callee)) {
                pc = pc + 1;
                operands = pair(apply_in_underlying_javascript(
            } else {
                // don't push on runtime stack here
                const new_environment = extend_environment(
                operands = remaining_operands;
                environment = new_environment;
                pc = function_address(callee);
        } else if ...

Finally, the return instruction in a machine with a global operand stack restores the registers pc and environment from the call frame that was most recently saved on the runtime stack. The return value is already in the right place, namely on top of the global operand where the caller expects it.

        } else if (is_return_instruction(instr)) {
            if (is_runtime_stack_call_frame(head(runtime_stack))) {
                pc = runtime_stack_call_frame_pc(head(runtime_stack));
                environment = runtime_stack_call_frame_environment(
            // keep popping block frames from runtime stack until 
            // the top frame is a call frame
            runtime_stack = tail(runtime_stack);
        } else ...

In this post, it is safe to ignore block frames, which are (beside call frames) the second kind of frames introduced in the machine. Call frames are created and accessed with the following functions.

function make_runtime_stack_call_frame(pc, env) {
    return list("call_frame", pc, env);
function is_runtime_stack_call_frame(sf) {
    return is_tagged_list(sf, "call_frame");
function runtime_stack_call_frame_pc(sf) {
    return head(tail(sf));
function runtime_stack_call_frame_environment(sf) {
    return head(tail(tail(sf)));

Making operand stacks local

I start with making operand stacks local to each evaluation of a function body. Feel free to play with the compiler and the SECD-style machine with local operand stacks. When operand stacks are local to each evaluation of a function body, the call instruction needs to save the current operand stack (after popping the arguments and the callee) in the call frame, along with pc and environment. After that, it it can just set operand to null.

        } else if (is_call_instruction(instr)) {
            const arity = call_instruction_arity(instr);
            const args = take_reverse(operands, arity);
            const callee_and_remaining_operands = drop(operands, arity);
            const callee = head(callee_and_remaining_operands);
            const remaining_operands = tail(callee_and_remaining_operands);
            if (is_primitive_function(callee)) {
                pc = pc + 1;
                operands = pair(apply_in_underlying_javascript(
            } else {
                runtime_stack = pair(make_runtime_stack_call_frame(
                                         pc + 1,
	   	        const new_environment = extend_environment(
                operands = null;
                environment = new_environment;
                pc = function_address(callee);
        } else if ...

Of course, call frames now need to accommodate an operands value.

function make_runtime_stack_call_frame(pc, env, opnds) {
    return list("call_frame", pc, env, opnds);
function is_runtime_stack_call_frame(sf) {
    return is_tagged_list(sf, "call_frame");
function runtime_stack_call_frame_pc(sf) {
    return head(tail(sf));
function runtime_stack_call_frame_environment(sf) {
    return head(tail(tail(sf)));
function runtime_stack_call_frame_operands(sf) {
    return head(tail(tail(tail(sf))));

The only change in the tail call instruction is that operands is set to null. The current operand stack is not needed any longer and therefore is not saved.

        } else if (is_tail_call_instruction(instr)) {
            const arity = call_instruction_arity(instr);
            const args = take_reverse(operands, arity);
            const callee_and_remaining_operands = drop(operands, arity);
            const callee = head(callee_and_remaining_operands);
            const remaining_operands = tail(callee_and_remaining_operands);
            if (is_primitive_function(callee)) {
                pc = pc + 1;
                operands = pair(apply_in_underlying_javascript(
            } else {
                // don't push on runtime stack here
                const new_environment = extend_environment(
                operands = null;
                environment = new_environment;
                pc = function_address(callee);
        } else if ...

Return instructions need to change as follows. In the version with a global operand stack, the result of evaluating the return expression was already in the right place, namely on top of the global operand stack. When operand stacks are local to each evaluation of a function body, the return value needs to be transferred from the callee’s operand stack to the caller’s operand stack.

        } else if (is_return_instruction(instr)) {
            if (is_runtime_stack_call_frame(head(runtime_stack))) {
                const top_frame = head(runtime_stack);
                const return_value = head(operands);
                operands = runtime_stack_call_frame_operands(top_frame);
                operands = pair(return_value, operands);
                pc = runtime_stack_call_frame_pc(top_frame);
                environment = runtime_stack_call_frame_environment(
            // keep popping block frames from runtime stack until 
            // the top frame is a call frame
            runtime_stack = tail(runtime_stack);
        } else ...

A memory allocation issue

My ambition of this series of posts is to build a virtual machine for a JavaScript sublanguage that lets me control all memory allocation. New memory will be allocated from a heap data structure. The problem that arises when operand stacks are local is that the machine needs to reserve an area on the heap when it allocates a new operand stack. How many values does the new operand stack need to accommodate during the evaluation of the body of the callee function? In general, it is not possible to predict exactly how many values an operand stack needs to hold. As often in computer science, I must be satisfied with a safe upper bound.

The solution

The compiler of the second and final implementation in this post computes such a safe upper bound and its machine makes use of it at runtime.

For each load function instruction, the compiler calculates the upper bound and saves it in the instruction.

        // clause in compile for lambda expressions
        } else if (is_lambda_expression(comp)) {
            const body = lambda_body(comp);
            instrs[wc] = load_function(
                             wc + 2,

The function max_stack_size recursively computes a good upper bound on the operand stack size needed for evaluating an expression.

function max_stack_size(comp) {
    if (is_literal(comp) || is_name(comp) || is_lambda_expression(comp)) {
        return 1;
    } else if (is_operator_combination(comp)) {
        return max_stack_size(operator_combination_to_application(comp));
    } else if (is_sequence(comp)) {
        return max(map(max_stack_size, sequence_statements(comp)));
    } else if (is_conditional(comp)) {
        return max(list(max_stack_size(conditional_predicate(comp)),
    } else if (is_block(comp)) {
        return max_stack_size(block_body(comp));
    } else if (is_function_declaration(comp)) {
        return max_stack_size(function_decl_to_constant_decl(comp));
    } else if (is_declaration(comp)) {
        return max_stack_size(declaration_value_expression(comp));
    } else if (is_application(comp)) {
        let max_stack_size_so_far = max_stack_size(function_expression(comp));
        let i = 1; // number of items on stack so far
        let exprs = arg_expressions(comp);
        let s = length(exprs);
        while (i <= s) {
            // i increases as the items accumulate on stack
            max_stack_size_so_far = math_max(i + max_stack_size(head(exprs)), 
            i = i + 1;
            exprs = tail(exprs);
        return max_stack_size_so_far;
    } else if (is_return_statement(comp)) {
        return max_stack_size(return_expression(comp));
    } else {
        error(comp, "Unknown expression: ");

The handling of applications needs to account for the fact that the operand stack grows by 1 after an argument is handled.

The load function instruction now stores the maximal stack size, along with the parameters and the address of the body in the instruction array.

function load_function(parameters, address, stack_limit) {
    return list("load_function", parameters, address, stack_limit);
function is_load_function_instruction(instr) {
    return is_tagged_list(instr, "load_function");
function load_function_instruction_parameters(instr) {
    return list_ref(instr, 1);
function load_function_instruction_address(instr) {
    return list_ref(instr, 2);
function load_function_instruction_max_stack_size(instr) {
    return list_ref(instr, 3);

The execution of a load function instruction saves the maximal stack size in the function value it makes.

        // machine clause for load function instruction
        } else if (is_load_function_instruction(instr)) {
            pc = pc + 1;
        } else if ...

To have better control of the size of the operand stacks, I introduce explicit operations on the operand stack, to push a value to an operand stack, pop a value from an operand stack, and to inspect the current top item on an operand stack.

function list_set(xs, n, x) {
    if (n === 0) {
        set_head(xs, x);
    } else {
        list_set(tail(xs), n - 1, x);
function make_operand_stack(max_stack_size) {
    return list("operand_stack", [], -1, max_stack_size);
function push_on_operand_stack(v, operand_stack) {
    const old_top_address = list_ref(operand_stack, 2);
    const new_top_address = old_top_address + 1;
    list_set(operand_stack, 2, new_top_address);
    list_ref(operand_stack, 1)[new_top_address] = v;
function pop_from_operand_stack(operand_stack) {
    const old_top_address = list_ref(operand_stack, 2);
    const new_top_address = old_top_address - 1;
    list_set(operand_stack, 2, new_top_address);
    return list_ref(operand_stack, 1)[old_top_address];  
function top_of_operand_stack(operand_stack) {
    return list_ref(operand_stack, 1)[list_ref(operand_stack, 2)];  

Here an operand stack is represented as a tagged list whose element at index 1 is an array. The machine guarantees that the size of this array never exceeds the max_stack_size with which the operand stack was created.

Of course function values now also need an additional component for the maximal stack size.

function make_function(parameters, address, env, limit) {
    return list("compound_function",
                parameters, address, env, limit);
function is_compound_function(f) {
    return is_tagged_list(f, "compound_function");
function function_parameters(f) { 
    return list_ref(f, 1); 
function function_address(f) { 
    return list_ref(f, 2);
function function_environment(f) {
    return list_ref(f, 3);
function function_max_stack_size(f) {
    return list_ref(f, 4);

Along with the load function instruction above, all machine instructions that use an operand stack need to employ the new operand stack functions push_on_operand_stack, pop_from_operand_stack, and top_of_operand_stack. Here are new versions of the first two machine instructions, as examples.

function run(instrs) {
    let operands = make_operand_stack(0);
    let pc = 0;
    let environment = the_global_environment;
    let runtime_stack = null;
    while (! is_done_instruction(instrs[pc])) {
        const instr = instrs[pc];
        if (is_load_constant_instruction(instr)) {
            pc = pc + 1;
            push_on_operand_stack(load_constant_value(instr), operands);
        } else if (is_pop_instruction(instr)) {
            pc = pc + 1;
	}  ... 
        } else {
            error(instr, "Unknown instruction: ");
    return top_of_operand_stack(operands);

With this infrastructure in place, the call and tail call instructions can now allocate an operand stack of a size that is sufficient for the execution of the callee function. Here is the call instruction clause of the new machine.

        } else if (is_call_instruction(instr)) {
            const arity = call_instruction_arity(instr);
            const args = pop_arguments_from_operand_stack(operands, arity);
            const callee = pop_from_operand_stack(operands);
            if (is_primitive_function(callee)) {
                pc = pc + 1;
            } else {
                runtime_stack = pair(make_runtime_stack_call_frame(
                                         pc + 1,
	   	        const new_environment = extend_environment(
                operands = make_operand_stack(function_max_stack_size);
                environment = new_environment;
                pc = function_address(callee);
        } else if ...

The function pop_arguments_from_operand_stack makes a list by successively popping values from the operand stack.

function pop_arguments_from_operand_stack(operand_stack, n) {
    return n === 0
           ? null 
           : pair(pop_from_operand_stack(operand_stack),
                  pop_arguments_from_operand_stack(operand_stack, n - 1));

The road ahead

With local operand stacks in place, I can make the virtual machine more realistic. Instead of relying on JavaScript’s data structures (here pairs constructed with the pair function of the SICP package), I can allocate environment frames, runtime stack frames, and function values in an explicit heap data structure, which can be an array that only holds primitive values. If the machine runs out of memory, garbage collection can free unused memory in this heap. But before that, I need to simplify the representation of environment frames. Stay tuned.

Call-with-current-continuation in an Explicit Control Evaluator for JavaScript     A Virtual Machine with Lexical Addressing